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Hello :rolleyes:


Welcome to the Blue Room Technical Forums, which were first created in January 2003, for people to discuss subjects and issues related to life and work 'behind the scenes' in the Entertainments Industry. We hope that you will find the information here useful and the atmosphere friendly, helpful and informative.


This "sticky" has been put together as a guide, to give people a quick, introductory insight into what we're about and the way we operate. Basically, we do our best to keep things neat here and to maintain a professional standard of debate and a high signal to noise ratio. The keys to helping us do this are the Blue Room Terms and Conditions of Use, by which all our members agree to abide as a condition of registration. Please take a minute or two to look through them and familiarise yourself with the key points. Occasionally they are updated and notification posted in the Updates forum.


As a supplement to the T&Cs (and in larger type :) ), we also recommend you read...

How To Ask For Help, so that you get it quickly

Replying To Threads - The Blue Room Way, some guidance


If you are a corporate user, please also read...

Promoting your business in the Blue Room, without falling foul of the T&Cs

...and please note: you may not use or include a company name as a part of your username.


Yes, by some standards we are a tightly-moderated forum and occasionally our style comes in for criticism. However, the level of moderation here is broadly supported by the active membership and despite our fearsome reputation, it should be noted that the vast majority (approximately 95%, we reckon) of posts made by our members attract no attention from the moderators whatsoever; play nicely and you'll hardly notice we're here ;)


A couple of other things: over time, it has emerged that our members respond best, to posts made in clear, plain English - no txt spk, please (see here and here for discussions on the subject of spelling, punctuation, grammar, etc.). Please note that discussions on d0mestic electr1cs and c0mputers (outside their use in entertainments) are considered too Off Topic, even for Tea Break and will be closed / deleted without warning.


If you decide to sign up as a member, please take a moment to introduce yourself here. Use your profile and signature to let people know a little more about you on a "daily" level (but please keep it factual).


Welcome once again - we look forward to seeing you around :unsure:




PS - Don't forget the Search Function

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