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'Theatre Stack' on a Pearl Tiger...


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Hi, earlier today I was playing around with my schools Pearl Tiger. I made a cuestack/theatre stack, although when I enter Run mode, the desk does not output the selected scene. The LCD screen shows that the desk is going through the scenes when I press 'Go', however, the theatre stack Master does not appear to be on playback 7 as it should be (its not on any playbacks). :P


Is this a case of the Desk 'thinking' its the Pearl 2004, and put the cuestack master on playback 12 which doesnt exist? How do I change this?


Sorry this doesnt make much sense! Any comments/insults/advice/life teachings welcome! :D :D




max :D




I have looked in the manual (at the pretty pictures anyway! :angry: ), however, it was a bit over my head..



Guy: I havent got the playback wing attached, so all I think I can do is get the technician that comes into school occasionally to have a look at it..




Max :angry:


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