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Strand Tempus 12


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Hi, I operate the lighting equipment at my school for school events and am looking for some assistance,


The system is a Strand Tempus 12 channel system (2 6-way dimmers)


Due to the age of the system (1980's) it's condition is rapidly deteriorating. 4/12 channels are already not working for some reason (the dimmer, hummms/buzzes as the levels is adjusted on the board but the lights do not respond.


However, the main problem is with the controller. It is the standard, red, strand tempus 12. The faders have become 'siezed' through years of neglect and are very hard to move, sometimes excessive force is required, but some of them are only moderately stiff. Is there anything I can use to lubricate/loosen the faders or is it pointless even trying?


Also, some chanels tend to be jerky when fading, ie the light will fade in but at certain points on the fader, jump to max. for a brief moment, is this just the boards way of saying 'replace me!' :P


The school is being knocked down at the end of the month so the lighting system will now be inveted in at all (like the last 5 years :D ) but is needed for a school show staring tomorrow :)


Thanks in advance for any help.

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If you need it to just last the week then something like "switch lubricant" that can be bought from Maplins, RS, or CPC would be worth a punt. Hell, in your case I'd even try WD40. MAKE SURE IT IS OFF FIRST. Quick squirt, run up and down several times and prey to your favourite deity. You might sacrifice a year 7 to Cthulu for good measure.
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Thanks for your help, was goin to just put some WD-40 in and hope for the best, I'll ask a first year to switch it back on :)


Also, thanks topsy100 but the school has already managed to borrow some lights for 'side stage flooding' and follow spots which are DMX, not 6-pin so this board isn't really that much of a reliance, thanks anyway for the offer.


As I say, I only need to squeeze another four performances out of it :D


Right then, WD-40 in bag for tomorrow..

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Maybe too late...: use a switch/potenciometer cleaner and lubricator.... WD40 has a rumoured reputation of being nasty with the carbons and that will be the end. Channels not working: if buzzing varies (move a slider and level corresponding to the channel in question) then check the fuses and whether they are seating properly. The nice thing with old gear is it is still well (heavy) built and repairable (note: aged capacitors and "special" strand parts are the worst problems, usually substitutable) So although it is a -10v controlled someone out there will still give it a home or cannibalize it.
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Hi all, used some WD40 very sparingly today and also removed the front of the desk and removed 20 years worth of gunk from the channel faders :** laughs out loud **: Combined, it worked a treat, the boards faders feel like new, shame its kicking the bucket next week. Have already suggeted to the school to save the two dimmers, 12 strand codas, 6 frensel pc's and 4 strand foh spots, might even help fund our prom next year.
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