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Fog or haze to improve lighting


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Hi all,


We have a dilemma in that we want to enhance the lighting of or bands performances and I certainly feel an amount of atmospheric haze would help.


Our singer has well, er, some sensitivites, dogs, and smoke machines, and he gets all grumpy and then coughy and spluttery if a smoke machine has been used.


Some of this may be hypocondria of course and will never go away but it may just be manner of use on previous gigs, where to be fair, we were swamped by the events company (I don't think they liked us!!!!)


So dry ice is out as it wont really achieve what we want and is of course expensive and difficult to manage in our situations.


Are there other ways to haze???





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There are a SMALL number of people for whom theatrical haze & smoke CAN be a problem - the fluid produced is a touch hygroscopic - but the vast majority of people are pretty much fine with speaking and singing in the stuff.

Read a few more topics here and you'll get a more detailed background on the subject.


But unless this guy is one of the minority, I wouldn't worry too much. 99% of people who think they're allergic to the smoke are NOT.

I've seen sections of whole audiences react to the mere sight of smoke/haze - eg tabs open with everyone quiet as mice, lights up to reveal stage with hazy lit beams and half the beggars start to cough in unison!


So - if your guy really does think he has an allergy then I'd suggest he visits his GP for a discussion.

If not, then suggest he puts up or shuts up.


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As niclights has said, an oil cracker hazer might be the answer to your problems. It's a completely different kind of fluid to a water/glycol hazer - and shouldn't cause problems even for the small minority who are actually affected by a glycol hazer. I'd also sit down with the singer and explain that the haze is tiny particles of (very high-grade mineral) oil in the air and that if anything, it will lubricate his throat! He does sound a bit "diva-ish" to me though as mostly it's all in the head and there isn't a physical problem at all.
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It sounds like he's had bad experiences where excess smoke has been used rather than a gentle light-diffusing haze. Why not hire a decent, proper, hazer and try it next time you rehearse?
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Sometimes I've wanted to do a blind-test to prove how much of a mental thing it is. Once you're in a fully blacked out environment, a light haze is pretty much undetectable and it takes a fair amount of fog for you to notice. And when you do, (though depending on the fluid/machine), the first thing you notice is probably the faint smell and not anything to do with the throat.
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Thanks guys,


He is a little diva ish at times, but we all love him loads, and actually he really is a wonderful guy. He is very asthmatic and allergic to dogs, we have two and have nearly killed him on a few occasions!!!


However, the rationale behind it is interesting something to take up with him and I think the idea of hiring one is rather good.


So thanks guys, I will do a bit more searching on the forum etc, but grateful as ever for the thoughts of those with experience.,


so much more to effect creating than just having a go!!





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