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which hoists are better


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I am currently writing an essay on lodestar chain hoists and verlinde chain hoists, I am looking for current professionals opinon on these two types of hoists, which do you think is better suited for the job, I have my own opinion, but to make my argument stand up I have to have views from others, if you could leave feedback I would be very appriciated.
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Moderation: It would be worth mentioning that research of this kind is a pre-requisite of students on Higher Education programmes in technical disciplines. This research requires seeking opinion from suitably qualified professionals.


Perhaps we could 'bend' our usual stance on questions of this nature as in this case, it seems our input is required.

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I am currently writing an essay on lodestar chain hoists and verlinde chain hoists, I am looking for current professionals opinon on these two types of hoists, which do you think is better suited for the job, I have my own opinion, but to make my argument stand up I have to have views from others, if you could leave feedback I would be very appriciated.


I am not well placed to comment on the comparatives on an engineering/motor design level, so will leave that to others.


However, from a simple practical point of view, for a lot of tasks, it doesn't matter! Provided I have a suitably rated hoist, for which I can obtain a replacement in time in the event of a fault, and all my hoists that are doing the same job are the same (for a simple truss, I wouldn't want to mix types, more complex systems may vary), it doesn't hugely matter which brand I use.


However, as I said more complex rigging may vary this, and for that you need the opinion of a proper rigger, rather than someone like me who only does a little on the side!



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I'm a little perplexed by the question... What is the "job" you have in mind? What sort of control? What constitutes "better" - technical facilities, ergonomics, manufacturer support, return on investment etc.?


If this is your question, you need to be specific about what you are asking. If this is a question in your assignment, then I would be seeking clarification from the tutor...

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I'm a little perplexed by the question...


Me too. In addition to the points you've raised, Lodestar vs Verlinde isn't comparing like for like.

Presumably the OP means Columbus McKinnon vs Verlinde, or more sensibly, Lodestar vs (for example) Stagemaker.

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which do you think is better suited for the job,

The hoist used for a paricular job is seldom a choice made by preference for a brand, more often than not it has much to do with the application and specifics of the system, things to consider when putting together a rig include but are not limited to;

WLL / SWL and the weight to be suspended from the points.

Control of the system

Speed of travel required.


The other determining factor of course is where your getting them from, if your hiring in then chances are you'll go with a brand stocked by the hire company of your choice, if you have an affiliation with one of course.


My bias towards CM Loadstars is down to the fact that I've been using them for years and they have always been easy to get hold of and reliable, this in part can also be down to location too, working abroad can limit the availability of either of these options

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hi all thanks for all your input, its been quite helpful, I will try and re word it as best as I can, but that is the question that was set to me so I think I will just re word it to suit the purpose more, but the feedback I have got has been great and I am really greatful for it, the re worded question will be posted shortly, and hopefully I can get the same amount of feed back as before, thank you
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