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ice effect


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I've just had an enquiry about making an ice effect on a big perspex box that needs to clad a moving truck.

Any suggestions about how to go about it? No budget yet, but I have a sneaky suspicion that it won't be massive ... as per!


I spotted somewhere (think it was on UKLSC) that (again I think) ETC have released an Ice Coloured LED light fixture perhaps you could hire this? That is if you want to create the colours of ice.


As alternate options, Ive had mixed results with using some mix gels, part CT and part blue, it took quite a bit of playing with different combinations to achieve a realistic effect. Im thinking if its truck mounted then LED would be a better option due to power consumption, that is if you want a lighting option.


EDIT: here you go http://www.ukslc.org/news/lighting_news/et...1002173954.html






Your probably looking at some airbrushing / vinyl for a misting of the corners - have a look at print effects on certain drinks to look chilled - condensation beading - could be hard to do without looking like a christmas shop window though




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