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Video review type topics


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If you've note seen it in the sound section, Mark Payne has put up a really useful, and as far as I can remember, our first topic based around a video review of a product.


What I thought I'd suggest is that we do more of this kind of thing - looking at the general review topics we have from time to time, we generally do text, and maybe a few images. Mark's post is obviously in sound, but the same kind of thing would work well for lighting and pretty obviously, video products.


So if anyone gets a new/clever/updated piece of kit to use or even just play with for a bit - and could produce something similar to Mark's - these would be very useful.


It does make me think that all our attempts to explain how good a new LED fixture is would be so much simpler if we could actually see it.


Maybe we could set up a 'Blue-Room' on youtube and we could post our stuff on there?

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