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ipod as remote control for strand palette


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Hi all,


I have a Strand palette VL in our venue and no remote. I work alone mostly so need a remote but have no budget to buy one. I'm planning to get an ipod and then try the app to control the desk via a wireless access point e.g. a linksys wireless G.

Has anyone tried this and been successful?






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The palette has an onboard webserver. Go to the stand dev forum and download the iphone remote. Follow the instructions to get the files into the webserver folder.

Connect your desk to a wireless router and set an ip address etc for the desk.

Navigate to the ip address on your laptop/iphone/ipod touch and you have a riggers remote :)


You could also install the palette ole on a laptop and if your desk is licensed for remote/rfu then you can launch the OLE in remote mode connect to your desk and get full functionality.


I do both of the above at work, though on wired network using a laptop.

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  • 2 months later...



Thanks for your advice. I need a bit more help: it's still not working:


1. I have connected the laptop to the palette lx desk via an ethernet cable

2. They have the same same subnet mask and similar ip addresses apart from the last digit i.e. the laptop is 74 and the lighting desk is 73

3. I've pinged them and they receive data from each other

4. I've enabled web browser in the lighting desk (hardware settings - console - ticked enable web browser)

5. I've opened up a web browser in the laptop and put in the ip address of the lx desk, it finds it, so far so good

6. I have palette OLE installed on the laptop and have opened up the software


How do I get the laptop to control the channel levels on the lighting desk?


Is it something obvious that I'm just not seeing?

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You need to launch the OLE in remote mode. It should have installed a shortcut to do this. If not I think you have to run the exe with -r after it (or something like) from a command line.


Alternatively if you want to use the webserver then goto strand-dev.com and download the ipod remote files (somewhere in the forum), put these on the root of the webserver and go from there.

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You need to launch the OLE in remote mode. It should have installed a shortcut to do this. If not I think you have to run the exe with -r after it (or something like) from a command line.


Alternatively if you want to use the webserver then goto strand-dev.com and download the ipod remote files (somewhere in the forum), put these on the root of the webserver and go from there.





Thanks for the tips, they're very helpful!


I have a couple more questions:


On the cmd line what do I need to type in to run an exe with -r?




I have downlaod the motelite as an alternative but don't where to put the software on the lighting desk. The creator recommends putting it in a web folder : is that simply putting it in 'my network places' on the palette? i.e. how do I put it on the root of the webserver?





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I know nothing about your origional question, but to generally run a program in windows with a switch (-r) you need to type the full path to the program with your switch after e.g. "c:\Program Files\Program\Program.exe -r" (Without the quotes) You just need to find where the program is installed.
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Hi there,


My name is tom, I wrote the mote software. Maybe I can help you get it running. You can download the newest version here - http://www.strand-dev.com/forums/viewtopic...=a&start=20


At the moment it's 0.9.1 - with moving light control. It has a bit more setup than the previous version. The 0.7 version is the last version without mover control. Slightly easier setup. It's in the same thread as above on the second page.


In the D:/ drive on the palette you should see a folder called /Web. Extract the files in there.


As far as the network connection in general. I'd advise to get a cheap wireless router and set up a small network just on the console. No internet connection. Once that is working go to the console and look at the control panel. If you hover over the network icon it should display the ip address. You'll need that in the setup for the mote files. Read the readme.txt and following the steps.


If you then connect your laptop to the same small network and run the remote palette it should also ask for the ip address.


I hope this helps a little, otherwise let me know if I can help any more.

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