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vectorworks- nothing in lanterns library


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I'm new to vectorworks and I've just installed the program. I noticed it said it was importing the files with the lanterns in but they don't appear in the library. I'm using Vectorworks 2010.


Can someone help, I'm used to wyg and haven't got a scoobie what I'm doing.



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Hi Jerome


Are you opening a previously created file with lanterns et al or are you just opening and looking to play

with the default spotlight library?


If question 1; check layer & class visibilities. Sometimes with other files, these sheets can be set to hidden or the layer/class view setting is to this layer only.


If question 2; vw uses a resource browser (cntrl - R) to access the library files such as spotlight. You need to add the files in question to this browser. Very easy to do. Open up browser and search for the files/folders in question. I recommend strongly that you create a favourites list otherwise you will have to perform this task everytime. You can edit this list at anytime. You need to use this method if you are intending to access the spotlight information of a symbol.


If you search about 10 days ago, you will find a post from me re vw and training. There is a URL for Cornell university & an excellent guide to vw. Best I have found. Would provide clicky but currently on iPhone etc. Well worth the donation.




Edit to add link:



link is my previous post.


The spotlight files you are looking are normally included in the main folder itself. Probably obvious but what the hell!



Let me know if that helps.



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Vectorworks is the work of the devil. I receive lighting plans from a variety of lighting designers, in a variety of formats, created with a variety of programmes (including Pencil And Paper v1.0 :pissedoff:) - and we invariably have more trouble with output from Vectorworks than we do with output from everything else combined. It's almost as though the people who make it have gone to great lengths to make it as difficult as possible to make it output something that anyone else can easily use.


Sorry, bit of an OT rant - but I guess my point is, unless you really have to use VW, at least consider something else that outputs decent DWGs and DXFs!

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Hi Jerome.


Glad to be of help.


Regarding VW and DWG's/DXF's, the engine has improved hugely with the last few releases. Some times they were terrible but nowadays they are of good quality. I use VW for all drawing and plans. Kinda find myself using the VW shortcuts in other programs..!


I regularly import DWG's, edit them and re-send them back to non VW users. Have not had much grief in the last few years.


There is a steep learning curve. Took me a long time to get my head around. Was at a decent level and then chanced upon the guide above. If you have access to VW, well worth taking the time etc.


Another note on DWG import is to always check the import scale. AS said before, autocad draws to scale 1:1 and the paper scale is decided at print. When importing a DWG, the default for vectorworks is to scale the document to fit the page size. There is an option box at the bottom of the page to set a custom scale. Set it for the value you require. I have founds plans at a late revision with the scale all over the place. When swapping between DWG and MCD formats, some users have imported the DWG and screwed up the scale consequently. Typically this was not noticed till much later!!





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