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Control a Strand 300 via Laptop


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Is There any way I can control my Strand 300 lighting Desk Via my Laptop


I only want to control generic Lighting from my laptop, although if I can control intelligent lighting, even better


I guessed this would be done via HTTP, but I wasn't sure which software and hardware


Any Idea's

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The Genius Pro xConnects are very difficult to get hold of these days. There weren't that many of them around when they were a current product, so they hardly ever crop up second-hand. (Although I seem to recall there was someone on here offering one for sale a while back ...)


If you need to rent one for a specific project, then maybe we could talk about it - but unless I could be 100% certain that I'd get it back then I'd be pretty reluctant to let it leave my side as it would be nigh on impossible to replace these days.


As far as the Networker application is concerned, I think your best bet is probably to speak to a Strand dealer such as Stage Electrics and see if they can help you with the appropriate code or floppy disk.

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Not only would you need the network application unlocked, you would also need to ensure it has a network card fitted.


Do not confuse the 4 x RJ45 sockets on the rear of the brain for network connections. Some of the pins on these carry 24v power for the panels.



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Assuming your 300 has a network card, you can just install the off-line software and configure it to work in remote mode. This give more functionallity than the xconnect, plus it's free. You'll need to do a bit of messing around in dos though, as it won't run under windows.
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Assuming your 300 has a network card, you can just install the off-line software and configure it to work in remote mode. This give more functionallity than the xconnect, plus it's free. You'll need to do a bit of messing around in dos though, as it won't run under windows.


I don't believe the 300 series version of the software supports remote users (although it does support nodes).

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Assuming your 300 has a network card, you can just install the off-line software and configure it to work in remote mode. This give more functionallity than the xconnect, plus it's free. You'll need to do a bit of messing around in dos though, as it won't run under windows.



I think you'll find that the offline version has networker disabled. Well at least the 500 offline does. Else all you needed to do was to buy a node and you've got yourself a 500/300 control system



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You can install a fully functioning remote console using the offline files - this is what people did before xconnect, however it will only work as a remote console - you need a special dongle to get a PC to run as a backup (effectively a full console that can use nodes for the DMX out) Rob Halliday once wrote a full (official) tutorial on setting this up, but I don't know where you would find it - xconnect is far easier!
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Assuming your 300 has a network card, you can just install the off-line software and configure it to work in remote mode. This give more functionallity than the xconnect, plus it's free. You'll need to do a bit of messing around in dos though, as it won't run under windows.


Does anyone know if the mac.calder QEMU image of the OLE (found in some of the old topics on this board) is suitable/can be configured for this or will I need to create my own new emulated DOS system with other network support etc?



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You can install a fully functioning remote console using the offline files - this is what people did before xconnect, however it will only work as a remote console - you need a special dongle to get a PC to run as a backup (effectively a full console that can use nodes for the DMX out) Rob Halliday once wrote a full (official) tutorial on setting this up, but I don't know where you would find it - xconnect is far easier!



Rob Halliday's excellent tutorial can be found here. Anything that can be done with a Mac using Virtual PC can be done with a Windows PC. Virtual PC is now a free download.




As IRW has said you cannot use the "offline files" method to remotely control a 300 console as 300's do not support remote users (not enough RAM). It will work on the 310i back up console however as they have more RAM and can run the 520 (non I) software. It will work on any 500 series console.



You can however use Virtual PC running the node software - as Rob describes to get a remote console screen for a 300 - assuming it has a network card and "Networker" enabled.


Combine a remote screen from Virtual PC with IRW's IngeniousPro and you have a very capable means of remotely controlling a 300 or 500 series console.




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I just wanted to pitch in here that the Strand "Designers software on a USB key"can still be purchased new, along with channel upgrade for the 300 and 500 series. If you want more information please don't hesitate to give me a shout. All details on my signature.


Kindest Regards


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I just wanted to pitch in here that the Strand "Designers software on a USB key"can still be purchased new

Any particular reason why it's not listed in your current product range on the website, Amber?



Hey Gareth


As this particular product links with the 500 and 300 series consoles which are discontinued it was decided that it could lead to confusion to leave the designers software key as a main product. It can be found however in our price list which all our dealers have so they can advise that this can be purchased. :blink: .


Hope that helps.


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What's the current list price on that item? I've had a couple of people ask me about mine when I was last out on tour, and I told them that it was no longer available (until you posted yesterday to say it was, there was no evidence to suggest that!).
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