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Using a Avolite Pearl Tiger?


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we had a lighting technician come into school in October (Simon Swift), and he was using the schools desk (a Avolite pearl tiger) with TrackSpots, and to make them pan/tilt, he just faded up two faders, one for pan and one for tilt. I was wondering how he programmed this, as the desk has the autoshape function thing, but that is not very good, as you cannot edit them easily. I was wondering whether he set up two chases: one for pan and one for tilt, and then just put them onto two faders and then used that? If not, would that work? (I've got a show in a few weeks) Cheers :)

Shapegen. and mode 2 ? That way the more you pull up the fader the bigger and/or faster movement you will get.


From the manual : 


1> Press C [Edit Times].

2> Press the Swop button of the playback you want to set times for

3> Press Softkey C to set the fade in time, Softkey D to set the fade

out time, or Softkey E to set the LTP fade time (Options A, B, and

F have no effect on memories and are only used on chases)

4> Type the new time using the numeric keypad and press Enter to

save it.

5> Softkey G sets the memory mode of the chase to 0, 1 or 2.

6> Press Enter to save the changes. If you press Exit, any times you

have set will be abandoned.









Edited to add from the manual. 


As Bråthe said this was almost certainly shapes in mode 2. Pan and Tilt saw on separate faders is very common in festival type busking.


There was one step missed out though: You must also define whether size and/or speed are controlled by the fader (in mode 2). On the Tiger this is done via Shape Gen/Playback Parameters. Use the softkeys to toggle whether they are timed or fixed.

Default is for both size and speed to be timed. This is useful for manually fading in shapes.


It is also very important you do not store any pan or tilt values in these memories or they will also fade in giving messy results. This means you must store the cue in record by channel mode and make certain you have nothing else in the programmer. The easiest way to ensure this is to press clear before you select the fixtures and setup the shape.


What is it you find difficult about editing shapes?


it just that you cannot playback a shape that is stored in submasters and you cannot start a shape without editing the size and speed etc. so it looks a bit rubbish (I dont think you can)


Sorry about the bad technical language and knowledge, its just I have only used the desk once, and am starting the A-Level performing arts (production) course next year, so I should know a lot more next by then! :)



it just that you cannot playback a shape that is stored in submasters

Shapes can be stored and fired from playbacks.


I suggest you download the simulator and visualiser applications to help learn in conjunction with the manual.

Or perhaps you meant Hog2PC?


Yeh, I couldnt get Hog2PC to work with it :** laughs out loud **:


I can't find how you use the simulator with a visualizer without the need of a dongle... :)


I'll try using Hog2PC and ESP Vision again (possibly with my firewall turned off :D )


Cheers [again] :P


Edit: Ignore this, sorry, I didnt look properly on the Avo Visualizer page :rolleyes:


You can use the Avo Simulator with ESP too although you will also need ACDI.


ESP might be picky about start order. Try ensuring Hog2PC or ACDI are running before you start ESP and select the source in ESP before loading a theatre.


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