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Ultraviolet light and saftey concerns


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Hi everyone.


I am currently designing the lighting for a bowling centre, and as the venue shall have a lot of UV active products (floors, chairs, balls, lanes etc) a considerable amount of UV lighting is needed to make them "glow". The UV light shall not be used when conventional lighting is on, so very high levels are not required.


Does anyone have any info on how safe UV lighting is (from conventional 2 + 4 ft UV tubes) and what are the safe levels of exposure for staff etc,


are they a health risk?


can we be sued?


are the staff who are exposed for long hours in an unhealthy/hazardous working environment?


are there max recommended levels?


I envisage the UV lighting to be on for 5-6 hours/day! (or night as in this case)


Can anyone give me any info..

I have researched some internet sites, all talking about the suns UV radiation, but nothing so far on the tubes, - aprt from the fact that they normally give out UVA the "safest" form!




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