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Local Authority Live Event Proposals


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Hi all,


Sat doing the dreaded documents for the council/police/fire to look at and give the OK.


Just had a wee idea to keep myself right,


Im using a template that I normally send to the local authorities when Im doing the Site manager job, but I just wanted to open it to the BR for any suggestions of things I might not have thought of.


I've got the usual stage layout, compound layout, site diagram, specs for kit, public facilities, emergency services requirements etc....


The template I've got has never had any major kickbacks yet, I would just like to hear suggestions for what people have included in their proposals before incase ithere is something I've not thought of.




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What about the emergency plan ?


We usually put in this:


Identification of key decision-making individuals (names and numbers)

Stopping the event (who is to stop it, how it is to be done)

Identification of emergency routes and access for emergency services

People with special needs

Details of the script of coded messages to alert and 'stand down' stewards

Alerting procedures

Public warning mechanisms

Evacuation and containment measures and procedures

Details of the script of public address (PA) announcement to the audience

Identification of rendezvous points for emergency services

Identification of ambulance loading points and triage areas

Location of hospitals in the area and identification of routes to them

Outline of the roles of individuals and contact details

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I normally tend to use the same template for all and just change depending on the situation , I've been doing proposals for the past few years now, but as times change and new things must be added I just wanted to open upto the BR for any new ideas that I might not have thought of.




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