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isolution imove 5s on Fat Frog

Phil Dunford

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I'm setting up some isolution imove 5s moving heads on my Fat Frog. I have some Clay Paky mini-scans working fine.


Someone told me that the 5w profile from the fixture library would work. The problem is that it seems to have no parameter on brightness - the brightness is controlled by the shutter parameter. Therefore when I hit blackout, the brighteness stays on whatever it was before.


Is there a specific 5s profile, or can anyone advise me how to get round this - show next week, isn't it always!

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I think you're going to have change the shutter channel manually to create the black out. However, a work around could be two Beamshape palettes (which you could lock), one setting them to an open shutter, and one to a closed shutter, which you could hit when you also hit the blackout button, to save wheeling through all the values.


It's not the best method, but with the desk you have, blackout won't affect the shutter, as you say.


I hope this helps! Let us know what you do! :P

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Thanks guys.


I've found an online manual, and assuming s is for spot and w is for wash, they do appear to have different channel allocations.


Ch4 is gobo on the spot & unallocated on the wash and Ch7 is dimmer on the wash and unallocated on the spot.


Odd, as Gobo works with it set as a 5W and I'm sure I've dimmed them on another controller.


Will check what the channels actually do in practice and then maybe I'll have to make up a fixture file myself, although never tried that before.

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