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Safety Bonds!


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Hi Guys,


I am working in a venue where I am PAT testing the lighting fixtures, but I am unhappy with the placement or size of the safety bonds which have been put on the lanterns. Although the fixings for the lanterns are good, the nearest appropriate placement for fixing secondary suspension is a steel bar 1m above the fixtures. I am therefore looking to source 2m safety bonds. Can anyone recommend where I may be able to order these from off-the-shelf? Or will I have to have them made up? Also what SWL ratio is appropriate for the safety bond on a lantern?


Many thanks,



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I would think a call to Stage Electrics would solve your issues, not necessarily the cheapest, but that's relative.


You need a bond rated at or above that of what it is supporting. They are rated at 10x their list SWL to allow for shock loading.

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What is the primary means of suspension for the lanterns? An existing metal bar, plasterboard ceiling with metal or wooden battens, brick and mortar wall or other?


Just asking and not teaching you to suck egg's, but before you spend a large amount of money on custom and very long bonds, not all applications do require secondary safety bonding dependant on the fixture/ease of access/regularity of movement or refocusing/weight etc. Unless your establishment require this under their health and safety policy.



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As to ratings, if the item is sold as a safety bond, then the rating plate on it is the maximum weight of fixture that it can be used for.


The strength ratios are already worked out for you before they apply the rating plate, so there is no need to further derate.

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