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550 rebooting


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We have a system composed by one 550 as main console, one 520 as remote and one 510 (show controller) as backup. Switches are HP2524 and nodes SN110.


We are having a few problems with the network (main going offline very often), and now, the 550 reboots without any reason (apparently).


On the same network, but in different subnets, we have other consoles (from other auditoriums).


Does anyone knows what may be causing this problems?


Thanks in advance for sharing your knowledge.


João Guedes

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I'm sure someone will be along shortly with the good old knee-jerk reaction of "run 220clean!!". :D


However ... the rebooting sounds like it might possibly be an overheating issue with the console electronics. Does it happen from the time when the console is first powered up? Or does it take a little while to happen for the first time? Check that your cooling fans are clean and running freely, and there's no harm in giving the whole of the inside of the console a good blow out with an air gun and a careful once-around with a vacuum cleaner.

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Yes, the processor cooling fan was not working properly. The console was cleaned in October, for the last time, but it is on 24/7.



About the main going offline... is the Ethernet card. We will try to reinstall all the software (including MSDOS) and check if it solves something. If not... we will have one more dead Strand :-(





João Guedes

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I figure I'd throw my half cents worth in. I'm not sure if this will help at all and please feel free to correct me.


but could it be as simple as a loose cable. such a loose patch lead thats causing it to go off line. also is the server running fine? or would someone who didn't realise what they were doing, have made a macro, that would've been recorded as macro learn, to take it offline or break sync. this can be found by hitting 'more', then the 'backup cmds' soft key.


you could also check the port on the hub is working properly.


as for the rebooting, safest option you prob be to get it looked at my the service company. a 220 clean mighn't be the worst idea but it might also be a silly macro in there.


hope you get it fixed

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