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Lanta 'Cluster Buster' RGY150CB


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You can give them a ring, they are in Northampton


0845 600 2255


Hi thanks Kein, I have called them yesterday on this number with no reply, also have emailed with no reply. Any other ideas?


You could try to call on a weekday not a weekend, not many small manufactures have 24 hour support why not try again on Monday and see what you get?

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You can give them a ring, they are in Northampton


0845 600 2255


Hi thanks Kein, I have called them yesterday on this number with no reply, also have emailed with no reply. Any other ideas?


You could try to call on a weekday not a weekend, not many small manufactures have 24 hour support why not try again on Monday and see what you get?



yeah iwill prob call on weekday, but I need the channel info lik tdy so if u guys have any other idea where I could find the info??

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1) You won't win any friends on here by writing in text speak.

2) What are you using to control it? Have you got a simple fader desk that you can plug into the fitting and just play around to see what channel controls what?

3) You are more likely to find people willing to help if you fill your profile out correctly, not gobbledygook, and put a location in. Who knows- if you're lucky you may even get some kind soul who is near to you who can come and take a look at it for you?

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Thanks for your reply, all condolences for my terrible manner of speech. I am using MyDmx for American DJ to contorl the fixture. I need to add the profile within the software & of course it requires channel information. Also, the dip switches require to be in a certain positon to be in DMX mode. Thanks,


Oscar Hibbert.

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Hi Oscar :angry:

I don't know the American DJ software, but is it possible to pretend that the fixture is a 12 channel dimmer, for the purposes of testing? That way you can control the channels individually and then perhaps, by trial and error, work out what channels do what.


More than likely, with the first dip switch on, (this will set address 1) and the last switch either on or off, will select DMX mode.

DMX addressing will be binary- this is covered in the Blue Room Wiki. http://www.blue-room.org.uk/wiki/DMX_Addresses




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Found on another forum by searching for 'RGY150'...


Channel `s function

Stairville DJLase 150 RGY DMX use international standard DMX-512 signal control, with 16

channels, as the below detailed descriptions :


DMX-512 Value 0




Function choose

050 Laser is off

51101 DMX pattern mode

102152 DMX SHOW edit mode

153203 DMX SHOW automatic run mode

204255 DMX SHOW music active mode

CH2 Multi-functions


1255 Pattern mode Pattern A

0255 SHOW mode Laser SHOW

CH3 Multi-functions


1~255 Pattern mode Pattern B

0~255 SHOW mode Laser SHOW segment

CH4 Pattern C 1~255 Pattern mode Pattern C

CH5 Pattern D 1~255 Pattern mode Pattern D

CH6 Multi-functions



At the same time with Pattern ABCD


52~103 Pattern A control effect

104~155 Pattern B control effect

156~207 Pattern C control effect

208~255 Pattern D control effect


1. 0 is the function with turning off laser

SHOW segment edit

1. 1~255 is the function with turning on

laser SHOW segment edit


CH7 Rotation effect 1~127

Rotation angle adjustmentthe 15CH

adjustment speed

128~191 Counter-clockwise rotation

192~255 Clockwise rotation

CH8 Vertical turning


Vertical rotation linearity adjustment15CH

adjustment speed

128~255 Vertical rotation speed adjustment

CH9 H o r I z o n t a l

turning 1~127 H o r I z o n t a l r o t a t I o n l I n e a r I t y

adjustment15CH adjustment speed

128~255 Horizontal rotation speed

CH10 Moving effect 1~127 Horizontal moving speed

128~255 Vertical moving speed


G r a d u a l

drawing effect

0~41 gradual increasing drawing

42~83 gradual decreasing drawing

84~127 gradual increasing and decreasing

Point effect 128~255 Adjustment of point brightness

CH12 Vertical


Adjustment of vertical angle

15CH adjustment speed

CH13 Horizontal


Adjustment of horizontal angle

15CH adjustment speed

CH14 Zoom in/out



Adjustment of pattern size

15CH adjustment speed


Pattern from small to big

15CH adjustment speed


Pattern from big to small

15CH adjustment speed

212~255 Zoom patterns 15CH adjustment speed

CH15 Control color 0~255 Choose different color effect, 15CH

adjustment speed

CH16 S p e e d







Manual here.

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Thanks for your reply, I have found this information previously, I presume both lasers use the same chip, but this mean the dip switches function the same on both?

I think you'll have to try it and find out. Set the DMX address to one and connect it to your controller. Then set each DMX channel manually to see if they do what the manual says.


This is just another Chinese-made no-name laser sold under many labels.

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Lanta lasers is a brand name of Impact Products Europe Ltd (The Solutions Group) whose contact phone number I've already posted! Didn't they help you out? Maybe a dealer would photocopy you a manual from one of their stock if you asked them nicely.



At this point I might add that the last Lanta laser I incorporated into a DMX system did not agree with the attributes printed in the manual and indeed the blackout channel went to black at 255 and full brightness at 0....

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