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Signal loss using sennheiser ew100 g2


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We have 4 radio lapel mics (sennheiser ew100 g2). Currently only 2 are working fine, the other 2 are having serious signal issues. The range is only maybe 10 metres, but the signal keeps failing regularily.


We have extended the ariels to both corners of the stage, and the batteries are all new.


Seriously I've tried everything and still no regular result...


Any ideas?





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With RF kit you need to go through the entire signal chain carefully.


Find a single transmitter that had good signal strength. Set it up with a single antenna - not both, the other socket empty. Turn on the transmitter at a distance, and look at the signal strength. Then remove the aerial and connect to the other socket. If they're the same (as they should be in free space) then you have a benchmark. replace the transmitter with the iffy one, adjusted to be on the same channel as the known good one. If it gives the same signal strength, then the pack is fine. If it doesn't, then you've isolated that the pack is low output. If the receiver is getting the same signal strength, the tx is good, which suggests the receiver is the problem. So back to the known good tx, just in case, in the same place. Swap the known good receiver for the suspect one and repeat the antenna test one by one. If the signal strength on both or just one is lower than the good one, then you've again isolated the problem to the receiver. If one antenna produces poor results, then the diversity switch will normally just use the strong one - but, as soon as obstructions or other path problems happen, it hasn't an alternative to switch to, so you get the pops and hiss and splutters!


If, with just the single channel being tested you get identical results - the dodgy one works fine, then it's time to check that the filtering is present and working. one by one, turn on transmitters on other normal channels close to the suspect receiver and see if you can get the range to reduce and induce the poor/weak signal problem. If you can, it's time to swap the suspect receiver for a known good one and see if these close transmitters can cause problems on that one. If they can't then the poor receiver is having problems RF wise, which needs returning to experts to fix.

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If following Paulears advice doesn't bring any light on the situation then I wonder if the frequencies were just not working for that space and area..... If two radios are fine then the receivers should be good.... Try moving the frequencies further apart.


What aerials are you using and where are you based? Also, what channel are the radios on?

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"We have extended the ariels to both corners of the stage, and the batteries are all new."


Using what kind of cable? Unless you used the big bucks stuff, the cable may be introducing as much RF signal loss as you were getting before.


You need to check for TV and other external frequencies that might be causing interference.


Then you need to make sure that the frequencies you are using are not intermodulating with the other frequencies you are using, or with external frequencies of interference.


For external: http://www.sennheiserusa.com/FindFrequency


For intermodulation: http://www.sennheiser.com/sennheiser/home_...s_sifm-software

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