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Where to find really big bits of craft card / carboard?


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Looking to create some fractal snowflake shaped flats in bulk to use as projection screens by our AV guy.


They are complex shapes though and I figure it would be easier to work with card and a craft knife with and overlay a printed copy of the shape compared to using wood board with a jigsaw or whatever - only problem the biggest cardboard sheets I can find on mail order are 1000mm x 1600mm.


Pretty big but I was hoping to create diameters of 1m, 1.5m and 2m snowflakes for a more interesting / bold effect.


Any ideas on where to track down a roughly 2m x 2m pieces of craft knife / stanley knife cuttable bits of card?


Thanks in advance!!


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It isn't card and is far more heavy-duty but we used to get loads of large stuff for scenery from:

DS Smith Tri-Wall, Wonastow Road

Monmouth NP25 5TW

United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)1600 772222 Fax: +44 (0)1600 716533

Email: csd.monmouth@dssp.com

Though, as we were locals, they sponsored us. Tri-wall is strong enough when shaped properly to support trucks (done it for a publicity shot!) and can be flame treated and recycled. They are good people and will advise on the best sources if asked nicely.

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