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Capture and Magic Q


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In Capture Click on the Universes tab.

Against 'Universe A' in the 'External universe' column check that you see CITP, ArtNet or some other connection with MagicQ. If there is nothing listed there, then the two are not talking..

Double click on 'Universe A' this opens a window.

In one of the CAD views, click on a fixture to select it, then click and hold the mouse button on the red circle with the arrow in under the selected fixture and drag it into the universe window to patch it.


Shown in this video ;



Alternatively, you can type in patching numbers in the appropiate column in the 'Fixtures' tab (format universe.address i.e. 1.10)

or thirdly, select the fixture, and in the Design tab, selected item, again there is the patch field..






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