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Strand 300, won't boot


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  • 6 years later...

A little bit of a thread resurrection here. My 300 has suddenly decided that it no longer wishes to boot up. I have the same issue as described on this thread in that I get all the sub master led's to flash once then it hangs with the bios screen displayed. I suspect it's a motherboard failure, but if anyone has any other suggestions about what it might be or if it's even worth trying to get someone to look at it I'd love to hear them.



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It's always worth changing the backup battery, before deciding about scrapping it. Seen consoles come back to life when a new battery is fitted. Not always, but at the price, worth a try,


EDIT: I would add - it's possible you have the same problem my LBX had where the battery has leaked and eaten tracks away. It may not be viable to repair the board.


Note - if anyone has a spare LBX/GSX processor board, I may be interested ...

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There may be either a 28 or 32 pin dil (can't remember) Disk On Chip device. This is the equivalent of your hard drive.


What I've done in the past is removed it and plugged a solid state disk drive (64Mb is plenty) into the IDE port. Install 300 series DOS and software and away you go. Not sure if you can just remove the DOC and try to boot from floppy to test the status of the motherboard.


Failing that, a standard PC hard drive formatted down to 2 gig (yes it's DOS) and powered from a PC supply (external to the 300) with only common 0v linked between the supplies will soon show if the motherboard is faulty and if it's worth while investing in a solid state device.



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I collect Strand consoles , and I have a large collection of these beautiful desks . The battery is really a plague , I have two (GSX) broken motherboards :(. My consoles all got a service in Wolfenbüttel (Lucifer [strand Lighting]) , with a new battery ;). The old batteries were fortunately not expired . A replacement board I have not in stock , but I could separate me from a GSX or LBX if the price is right .




Best regards

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