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Which fluid?


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Apologies if this has been answered before but I can't find the answer.

I've made a low fogger by routing smoke from a KSM DMX1750 smoke machine through a cooler box filled with ice and it works alright 'ish' keeping the fog at knee height until it warms up again and rises leaving the room a thick fog filled room. My question is this; if I used quick dispersing fog fluid (like this) would the cold temperature affect the dispersing time of the fog and can it be used with the KSM DMX1750 machine without damaging it? Any other suggestions from past experience will be greatly appreciated.


Thanks in advance,


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I have used bog standard smoke medium density fluid with this setup before to good effect. I would imagine if you want the fog to travel a longer distance you would go for a denser fluid but to be honest haven't tried using different fluid densities so don't know what effect it would have.
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