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Fog question - Martin 650

Rob K

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I can't afford a proper hazer at the moment and I've been making do with my personal little smoke machine with a big fan stuck in front of it to disperse the fog. It actually works pretty nicely, considering it was a total spend of about £50. It used to have a remote control with a rather neat keyfob clicker to make it go. However, a) I never quite trusted this to work properly and b) my wife lost the remote. So I dismantled the bit that plugs into the machine (which terminates in an IEC), worked out which pins need to be connected to make it go, reterminated it on XLR and built another box for the other end with a push button on. This way I can run it down the multicore on bigger gigs.


The only problem with this is that Zoom, who made the machine, have gone bust. Admittedly it was a very cheap machine but it had a metal chassis and I felt safe leaving it in a van with other gear. Now it seems that the only people doing a similar unit are Soundlab, and it's made of nasty translucent plastic and has a hard-wired remote. Also, to be honest, the output is a bit low.


I'm lighting a rock band with a fair bit of theatrical-looking stuff and was wondering about doing the same plan with a couple of the Martin Magnum 650 machines. I just wondered what the remotes for these are like - has anyone used them? If they just have a simple button for "go", I'm sure I can hack it. If it has a timer etc on, I'm not so sure...


Alternatively, if anyone wants to sell me a "real" hazer, PM me. Cheers :rolleyes:

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Just to point out, what you have done with your current machine is called a device commonly called a widow maker. So called because it could kill you. XLRs aren't rated for 240v, nor is the cable you send it down the multi with. If you have terminated the Mains voltage side of the wireless receiver you have made on of these. However, if you have used the LV side of the wireless receiver and terminated that with an XLR then it MIGHT (I don't know but there is a chance it could be) safe.



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Beaten to it not once but twice.


Its not just its a widowmaker - consider the consequences of that thing getting plugged into the sound desk..... (When need a puff of smoke emoticon here, mods). People could actually die.


I have a couple of long IEC extension cables I use for this type of duty (read: when the budget doesn't run to a DMX controlled machine) but even the IEC extension cable's a bit of a twart, as the things on the foggers look a lot like IECs abut they have an extra sticky-out bit that makes mating... (groping for appropriate word...) difficult.


Given the cost of a PIC and a couple of 3 pin (scream!) XLRs, surely the days of horrible remotes should be past us...

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