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Moving Lights on the strand 550i


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Hi land of knowledge


I have got a gig coming up that I am plotting for on a 550i and the rig will consist of generics and macs, I was just wondering if it was possible to set the functions of the movers to submasters? I.e JUST the dimmer channel or JUST the gobo channel. Also how many buttons can be assigned as macros for live positions or colours or gobos etc? Basically I need to be able to Op live without the time to plot.


Any info would be deeply appreciated.



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I used to busk four Goldenscans on a 550; with some forethought it is relatively achievable. What I used to do was create a group for each colour, each gobo and a whole whack of different positions, and then assign each group to a submaster, which means you can then select each attribute individually, so if you want the spiral gobo in pink downstage left, then you just select those three submasters. You may want to have each Mac on its own sub for intensity control as it just gives you a bit more flexibility.
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Yes - as far as I can remember you can just record specific attributes into a sub by making the record command channel specific.

For example, [1][.][7][thru][6][.][7][1][rec][*] will make sub 1 control only the gobo attribute of fixtures 1 thru 6 (up to the level that it was at when recorded).


Controlling only the intensity is just a question of making it an {ints only} submaster through the soft keys. [1]{ints only}[rec].


In addition to the standard macro buttons (which are doubled in number by the shift key) all of the submaster bump buttons can be set to fire macros.





*Waits for someone to point out the errors in his rusty syntax*

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Not rusty, just a little long winded :rolleyes:


Instead of 1.7 thru6.7 ot point anything, you can go


[chan] [thru] [chan] [record] [group] [no.] [@ATT] select attribute [*]


with regards to the Macro Buttons, macro 101 thru 130 is the bump buttons if changed to macro, and 301 thru 330 is the shift bump buttons


the P1 thru P7 I use as safe guards, so P1 maybe everything at home P5 thru P7 maybe emergency states and others resets ect.

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Yes - as far as I can remember you can just record specific attributes into a sub by making the record command channel specific.

For example, [1][.][7][thru][6][.][7][1][rec][*] will make sub 1 control only the gobo attribute of fixtures 1 thru 6 (up to the level that it was at when recorded).


Controlling only the intensity is just a question of making it an {ints only} submaster through the soft keys. [1]{ints only}[rec].


In addition to the standard macro buttons (which are doubled in number by the shift key) all of the submaster bump buttons can be set to fire macros.





*Waits for someone to point out the errors in his rusty syntax*


Not just sub bump buttons and P keys, but in combination with shift (or maybe user, or possibly both!) the numeric keypad can be set to fire macros as well, as can the buttons below the lcds.


I agree with the above posts, groups and macros are your friends! (And if you can get hold of one, and have time to set it up, a macro tablet works wonders for ultra quick plotting!)

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Also remember that the keypad is great for positions groups


Macro 1 is key#1

Macro 2 is Key#2 just press [shift]1 to acsess it as a macro


and updating a group live during show just set up you @att atrribute menu in [notes disp]


updating GOBO (eg)




*in soft key above keypad


Hope this helps



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