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Scanner problems

Jon T

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Hey, got a problem. When I choose to select the lamp to come on it doesnt. The other channels work fine (pan and tilt) but the lamp wont come on. I have replaced the lamp twice now and still having the same problem. The lamps were kept at same room temp as the sans.!! these are dj colourscans made by soundlab. (From my dj years)


Any ideas



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what desk/controller are you using?

Check the obvious...Make sure GM (grand master) is up and DBO (desk black out) is off.

Do they have a stand alone function? try using that and see if they come on. least then you will know it is controller or fixture.

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Do the lamps need to be struck before they'll operate? Check the manual - its possible they require a certain DMX string in order to 'start' the lamp up. On Macs this involves bringing the Shutter channel to around 98% for 3secs. It should be detailed in the user manual for the fixtures.



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Not at all familiar with the fixtures in question ...


Are the lamps tungsten or discharge?


If tungsten, do they have an internal dimmer or do they take an external dimmer feed in addition to the fixutre power? If internal dimmer, is there an internal fuse which might have blown? Have the lamp pin contacts oxidised?


If discharge, do the lamps strike on their own or do they need a command sent from the desk to strike? Does the lamp envelope look unusually dark and cloudy (a bit of cloudiness is normal for discharge lamps)? Have you checked whether the lamp has been dislodged from its socket during transit?


Generally speaking, maybe the fixture has two separate channels for dimmer and shutter (like a Mac)? If this is the case and, for example, the shutter is set to closed, you won't get any light out even if the dimmer channel is at 100%.

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Thanks guys. I have tried everytjing you have all said but I am still having the problem. The lamps are discharge. The unti is goin into local dj shop later today to see if they can have a look at it.



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