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DMX Radio send /rec units


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Hi All.. thinking about buying a pair of DMX radio units, have seen several listed on web, but prices vary greatly!!!

Any thoughts? tryed a chauvet unit at a venue but suffered from random glitches of DMX. is this normall or a fault with unit or loss of radio range/disruption?


You get what you pay for. Real units (ie, not the Chauvet) are used on pro theatre all the time.

hi david... yes I know its nearly you get what you pay for, however are there any makes that are recomended or good value for money...cheers

Hi, I have a number of the wireless DMX units (see wirelessdmx.com) and have found them to be very reliable. Single universe units, typical setup that we use is one transmitter with three receivers. We have even used them between buildings, van to boat on water and between moving vehicles in a parade!! No drop outs, fast response, all you could wish for. They also won the shoot out staged by LSI some time ago. You need to keep them such that the line of sight from transmitter to receiver does not pass through humans as we absorbe the RF. :blink:

check out the theatrewirless products. I've got one of their tiny 2 channel dimmers on tour, and havn't had any problems with it. They also make wireless transmitters and receivers, which would do what you're after. They state the range is quite good (website says 200ft/67m at a quick glance, but I'm sure it's more). Don't know how expensive the transmitters and receivers are, but the dimmer package is quite reasonable. prices are on their website I believe, and from what I'm told, their customer support is quite good. (I've not had to contact them, because I havn't had any problems!) At present I believe Sparks are the UK distributors, but I think you can also buy direct of their website.

Hope this helps



city theatrical units are reliable. Demo chauvet, and if it works, use it...but demo chauvet's competition, too. Whatever you buy, get your dealer to let you demo a set of the units - often times microwaves and radio towers will have an effect on wireless DMX transmission, as well as old buildings and the way they are constructed can deter signal. I've have 1 transmitter successfully communicate between multiple rooms, and I've had a transmitter and receiver so close to each other that you could tie a shoestring, but interferences came into play and made the attempt a wash. Demo, demo, demo.
This month's LSI popped through my door this morning, with an interesting article on the new City Theatrical Wireless Show DMX kit in the Technical Focus section. It seemed very positive towards them, but had some insight on what to look for in a system, depending on your use and how they tested theirs and competitors. Well worth a read and it should be available on the electronic version too.


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