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putting a rig out to tender


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I've been put in charge by an AmDram group I work with of getting quotes from LX companies to buy a whole new LX system for their new venue. Only a small rig, 24 channels, desk,cabling and new lanterns. I've already sent stuff to WhiteLight and Stage Electrics as they're the companies I've worked with before. Anyone else have any other suggestions?
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Right sorry will change to Lancelyn


Although they say they do hire they are more experianced with supplying the thing's needed.


Right just to clarify the company startech ,my 1st post on this topic, were once a part of lancelyn. They then split and startech became the hire and Lancelyn became the suppliers of lights, lamps, trussing, racks etc.


I had not been on the Lancelyn site for a month or two until today and saw the hire section.


This is about the installation. and the Oxford branch is the sales section.


Sorry for any confusion.

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