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Mac 550


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I have a couple of Mac 550's on hire this week, and one of them seems to be exhibiting some strange behaviour...


One Mac is acting completely as expected, does what it's told, when it's told.

The rogue unit however keeps, well, un-striking itself...

Basically I can record the cues as normal, take both fixtures out and move on to the next cue etc. About 75% of the time the rogue Mac doesn't come 'on'. The lamp seems to get a lamp-off somehow. Sending a reset command from the desk always works, but to be honest I can't figure why it's doing this.

I've not had much time to check the settings on the fixture, other than seeing that ALON is set, and as they're both in the grid comparing the settings to the good unit isn't an easy option.


A scan thru the manul didn't help much...


So - before I go back to my friendly hire co, is there anything glaringly obvious that I need to check?

It's late and the brain cells aren't functioning too quick just now, so I'm happy to accept that it could well be something simple I've missed! :)

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Or the lamp may be worn out, discharge lamps tend to go out more or less at random when at end of life.


Or there may be brief drops in the supply voltage that cause the lamp to go out, architectural type fittings would re-strike after this, but I think theatre ones would need a "strike lamp" instruction, which of course would not be sent if it should already be lit.

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Sounds like a ballast problem. I would hang the spare.



Hires of just 2 fixtures don't come with a spare!!

If proven to be a faulty lantern I can get a replacement, but I need to figure what's wrong first.

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Have you tried swapping DMX addresses on the units to see if the problem migrates? What board are you using?


If this doesn't work ( ie confirm your Programming) I would return the unit to Friendly Hire company for exchange . I am sure you do not need the hassle before a SHOW.

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It's doing it a random places, so it's not a lamp-off issue.


It's also on the same fixed supply as it's twin, so unlikely to be a supply voltage problem.


It might be a supply voltage problem, as discharge lamps age they become not only more diffecult to ignite, but also more liable to go out on voltage dips.

Therefore if the two lanterns have lamps of different ages that might be the problem.


Might be worth swapping the lamps around ? or trying a new one ?

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Thanks for the suggestions.

I did get hold of the hire co, and he suggested checking the same thing as one PM I had back.

The problem appears to have been the microswitch on the lamp assembly. I suspect that the lamp was heating the switch, which was not making contact properly, and as it did, it was enough to cause the lamp to cut out.

I adjusted the microswitch arm and the lantern has behaved fine all day today during programming.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Why has Martin discontinued MAC 550 and put out MAC 575 krypton???

For the same reason that Vauxhall discontinued the Cavalier in favour of the Vectra ...


Not sure that would be classed as 'progress'.....


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