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Getting my head around dip switch settings


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Hi All


Just signed up to the group, I am a freelance video cameraman but have recently bought a small lighting set (4 led par 64s, two stageboxes for back light and a Showmaster24 controller) mainly for small venues to light a small stage - corporate stuff etc. But also I will use it at in our village hall for small concerts etc.


The parcans use 5 channels and the Stageboxes 4. Two parcans use one dip setting and the Stageboxes another, the other two parcans have their own dip settings.


Everything works ok and I can control the lights from the desk via DMX. I am trying to get the channels etc. working with the layout of the desk. How do you know where each light sliders will appear on the desk so that they follow one to the next? At the moment I have gaps between - just wondered about a 'neater' way of working.


Or if anyone knows what I should have the dips set to within the 24 channels. Or indeed the actual dipswitch setting for the 4 sets of lights.





Hope you can understand what I mean!!!

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Before you go any further, do you understand binary? Can you convert binary to decimal and back again?


Once you get that figured it's not too hard. You also need information such as how many DMX chanels does each lantern require.

You can also decide wether each lantern needs to be controlled seperately or if you are happy with them all doing the same thing.

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Thanks for the answers - I think I can understand how to sort out the dip settings but I would still like to know how this relates to the sliders on the desk. Can you set the DMX channels to correspond to a particular slider for instance? (I know they'll be in groups of 5 or 4 etc.)



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The feature you're looking for is soft-patching, which will let you assign certain DMX addresses to certain desk channels.


I've just had a quick scan read through the manual for that desk, and can't see anything about patching, so I'd assume that you're stuck with a 1:1 patch, that is channel 1 on the desk is DMX 1, channel 24 is DMX 24.

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