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A little help please?


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Hi All,


I know and understand that you are all sick of doing student's homework for them, that's not what I'm looking for. I was hoping that perhaps some members would be interested in taking part in a questionnaire as part of the research for my final year dissertation. I am studying Live Event Technology and I am doing my dissertation on the importance of business knowledge in the live event industry. I would like to include the opinions of professionals in the industry within the dissertation. Any information that I would use from this would be used would be cited and the complete questionnaire included as an appendix in the final piece.

please let me know if you would be interested in helping me out and I will mail you a copy of the questionnaire.

Again sorry if this post is another annoying one but a girl can only try.





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Moderation: Just a small note to point out that this topic has to be unique. The OP had plenty of positive responses, and nobody was spurred to post the usual type of responses. I suspect that the style of the request had a great deal to do with this. A good one to remember. Paul Mods
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