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resolution problems with Kramer scaler and MacBook Pro


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I cant seem to get my macbook to output the right resolution (1365x768) to pass throught our Kramer 719xl scaler and display on our plasmas (Samsung PS50A457 50").


I cant even get it to output at a resolution that would do eg. 1280x768. It will out put this when plugged directly into the tv but not through the scaler. Its still not perfect but its better. At least a circle looks a bit more er.. circular!



Any one have any experience with this sort of problem? Is there some software that can help?


Im proper stuck!



Thanks in advance.

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Hi Bananaman


Not sure from your post as to whether you are using DVI or the VGA adaptor from your MacBook.


If it's DVI then it's probably an EDID problem, to get round this you could use a Gefen DVI detective (This can pretend to be a monitor that does support the res).


If it's VGA you're using then you can use SwitchResX (http://www.madrau.com/html/SRX/About.html) to force your MacBook to output pretty much any resolution.


Hope that helps.



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Ta fellas. Will try switch res tomorrow. Think I'll order one of those Gefen DVI Detectives, looks like a cool bit of kit.


WIll get in touch with Nick@Kramer also.


Thanks again, really appreciate the help.


Hi Bananaman,

please call on 01296 330011, and I will put you in touch with our technical manager Mike Roberts



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