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S-Video Cable Length - Video Quality


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I need an S-video cable for a project im currently working on. And the longer the cable could be the better.

If possible I would like to have it 20m long, but is this too long? will there be a noticeable drop in quality at this length?

If so what would be the maximum length it could be before video quality becomes affected?

Will the type of cable E.G if its gold plated at the end, or if its just copper etc affect the quality at all or not?


Thanks in advance,


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Long cables are not the problem, but if you go too far, the very thin cable sometimes drops the levels and unpleasant things happen. If you strip out the two signals, as mentioned above, you can use decent cable and things work on very long lengths. I did try 3 lengths of the usual type s-vid cables (20m each) with back to backs, and although the voltage drop down the cable should have still been ok, the sync was a bit low. The For-a mixer accepted it and was stable, a Panasonic MX-50 did not, with loss of lock every now and again. Swapping to 'real' video cable was fine on a 75m twin run of it.
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