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Syringes and fake needles needed

Al Cain

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Hi folks,

At uni for our production of One flew over the cuckoo's nest, we are after approximately 5 hypodermic syringes with the fake needles on the end for our production. Ideally we would need them as soon as possible. I heard a while ago that the scene in saw 3 used acrylic tubes to represent the needle but I cant remember who the supplier was.


Size of syringe should be roughly 3ml although open to suggestions! :stagecrew:


Thesem will not be destroyed during the run so can be returned.


Any ideas please?





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Syringe pens were an idea mentioned already but the director specifically mentioned neeldes being on the end of the syringe. to be honest, getting the syringe is no problem, getting the needle's (fake ones ) is! surprisingly enough real ones are very easy to source which is a scary thought considering there other uses such as drug taking....
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Syringe pens were an idea mentioned already but the director specifically mentioned neeldes being on the end of the syringe. to be honest, getting the syringe is no problem, getting the needle's (fake ones ) is! surprisingly enough real ones are very easy to source which is a scary thought considering there other uses such as drug taking....


So why not use real ones and snip off the point? Seal the tube with Araldite if you like.

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The current thinking in healthcare is that syringes and sharps are available, this is to prevent or deter needle sharing which is a greater infection problem than the hospitals wish to cope with.


Basically with a clean sharp there is a drug problem. With a shared sharp there is a drug problem and likely aids plus hepatitis plus several other things.


Try a real syringe with a short length of fence wire in the luer loc -should look OK. leave an air vent hole by the luer loc and push a short piece of soft foam into the syringe under the plinger. Red looks like blood as you pull the plunger. natural/pale brown looks like a serum or dope.

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As others suggest, real syringes are easily obtained, the problem is finding a safe and realistic alternative to the needles.

Blunting the end of a real one with say a grindstone would help, but there would still be some risk of needle injuries.

If the syringe does not have to work, then of course the "needles" dont have to be hollow, and a stiff bristle from a broom, painted silver is safe and simple.

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As others suggest, real syringes are easily obtained, the problem is finding a safe and realistic alternative to the needles.

Blunting the end of a real one with say a grindstone would help, but there would still be some risk of needle injuries.

If the syringe does not have to work, then of course the "needles" dont have to be hollow, and a stiff bristle from a broom, painted silver is safe and simple.

Yes, just ask for the syringes used to give babies medicines if in doubt - Boots or anywhere - cheap and harmless, obviously they come without needles - but if you need giant syringes then somewhere that supplies fibreglass resins etc locally to you - or I think Flints - would have them, but they might be too ridiculously big - the babies medicine ones sound more like it. As regards the needles, my first thought is that cocktail sticks might do, but they may still be too dangerous so experiment with plastic rod from a modelmaking shop maybe? You can even get pretty fine hollow plastic tube in model shops so if you need tp discharge the liquid somewhere that could work well.

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Just another thought


You could buy the 'real' syringes and then cut off the needles completely...... Then find a think stick (matchstick springs to mind but you may need something thinner or your could get some thin solder) cut it to size then cover in tin foil with no creases!

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