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help identify light


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I am new to this forum and wanted to ask your advice as to what this light may be called? I have recently returned from a trip to poland where these lights were used to great effect in a lot of bars and small venues. From what I could gather, they run on a track, with small very precise focusable beams as well as having shutters for shaping the beam. They are not very bright but have given me some ideas for an upcoming show.

Has anyone come across these lights before and know of a suitable supplier in the E.U?

Many thanks for your time.



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Those are 'track-mounted' luminaires, primarily used in shop-front and similar commercial installations as the track makes it easy to re-position them when they change the shop window display.


You'll need to look in the architectural lighting sector, although unfortunately I don't know of any extensive online resources you could try.

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Whilst not the same unit, Altman do make 100w track monting profile fixtures - Fisher productions in London have them in their hire stock

whilst the units would be different, they do the same job. In a production situation, the look of the unit should not matter, unless you are using them as practicals

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I have recently returned from a trip to poland where these lights were used to great effect in a lot of bars and small venues.
Erm, a picture of the actual affect would be more useful rather than just the fixture to be honest! Do you have one?


With that we could direct you to a fixture that would produce a similar/same effect..




Edit/Addition: Just re-read the OP's post.. were they creating some sort of effect? Or are you just trying to source some small, track-mountable, profile fixtures?

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Thanks for all the replies - its good to have some form of name for this light fixture to look up. Sadly I did not take a picture of the effect the light made - but as you could imagine it casts a very localised shape (fairly low level light) - in this instance they were used to light up square photos in a bar and the beam was perfectly shaped to fit neatly around the photo, the room had about 20 or so of these lights all over the ceiling and created a fantastic visual effect. It is exactly the shutters that really interest me and its compact shape. I have emailed the venue for advice on manufacturer - so hopefully that might get me somewhere.
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Do you need the lights to be on a track? If not can you not just use a standard profile, such as an ETC Source 4?
I somehow doubt it, as the OP seems pretty clearly after something non-theatrical.


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