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Yamaha LS9 expansion


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I have a yamaha LS9-16 with the MY16 AT card in it.


I have been running it with a Behringer ADA8000 and that has been successful so far.


I have tried today to run extra inputs from my Digi 002 rack, this has been mostly successful but I cannot get them to sync.


I am getting audio in from the 002 but I have a error message coming up every 30 sec's telling me it isn't synced.


Has anyone had any issues with this or has anyone got any suggestions about running like this.



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Hi, I have a 003 factory with extra inputs coming from a Focusrite OctoPre. They are connected together via optical cable, and the sync is via BNC.

As far as I am aware there is a BNC on the digidesign hardware you are using but not sure about the desk, if there is BNC on them both you could try using that for the sync, that should stop the error message.

Hope this helps.



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Hi, I have a 003 factory with extra inputs coming from a Focusrite OctoPre. They are connected together via optical cable, and the sync is via BNC.

As far as I am aware there is a BNC on the digidesign hardware you are using but not sure about the desk, if there is BNC on them both you could try using that for the sync, that should stop the error message.

Hope this helps.




Hi Alex


Thanks for your help, but the 002 doesn't have a BNC on it, I have been using the a BNC to connect from the LS9 to the ADA8000 and that has been working fine, I just don't have any way to connect to the 002.



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Thanks for your help, but the 002 doesn't have a BNC on it, I have been using the a BNC to connect from the LS9 to the ADA8000 and that has been working fine, I just don't have any way to connect to the 002.




Oh..., think I must of been thinking of the003 rack :** laughs out loud **: , will have a look into another way you can sync it.



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This is a Word Clock issue and you'll have to think through what will be your WC master and which devices will have to be slaves.


If your Digi 002 doesn't have Word Clock in/out on BNC, that might mean you have to use that as the master. The LS9 should be able to sync to the optical digital input from the 002 then you can set the ADA8000 to sync to the LS9, probably via your BNC.


At this point I should say I've never used a 002 and don't have an LS9 in front of me so I can only talk in general terms. However, with any word clock issue the thing to do is work out:


-which devices can be either master or slave

-which are limited and can't accept being slaved to other devices

-what connections are available


Once you've done this, if you find any devices that can't be slaved then, bingo, that has to be the master. (If you have 2 that can't be slaved, then you have a problem!). From there, you can decide how to do the slaving (most can either take word clock from a dedicated BNC or by syncing to an actual ADAT signal) and generally you'll hit at least one way to work it.


Hope this helps,



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Dose anyone think there may be a problem with running it like this.


I have been running it like this the last couple of days and apart from the error message it has been working fine.


Should I risk running it like this for a gig?

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I wouldn't risk it. Sync errors have a habit of drifting farther and farther out then eventually causing a glitch as things re-sync. Sod's law dictates this will happen at the worst possible moment of the gig.


However, the good news is, this should be a two minute fix.


On the LS9, go to the system setup menu and select Wordclock. Set the sample rate you're using (or, rather, that the Digi 002 is using) and select the source as the slot input you're using for the feed from the 002. This will make the LS9 a slave to the Digi box.


Then run a BNC from the LS9 to the ADA8000 and, if not already set, make the Behringer box a slave at the right sample rate.


All the warnings should go away.


The one caution is that, if you go back to not using the Digi box, you'll have to reset the LS9 to INT again...but this literally takes only seconds.



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Set the sample rate you're using (or, rather, that the Digi 002 is using) and select the source as the slot input you're using for the feed from the 002. This will make the LS9 a slave to the Digi box.


Thanks Bob


Just one thing to check, the 002 is on 44.1 I have then selected 44.1 on the word clock section on the LS9 then I selected 9/10 , 11/12 , 13/14 , 15/16 , on the section underneath and it tries to sync for a few secs as the 44.1 colour and the channel 9-16 colour underneath sync then the error message ' sync error [ slot ] ' comes up.


I have tried the ADA8000 in 9-16 and 002 on 1-8 and still have the same problem.


Could this be the card?



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This would be easier if I had an LS9 in front of me!


I doubt it's the MY16AT card since you're hearing audio. A couple of things to look at:


First, from memory, the Wordclock menu on the LS9 actually gives some diagnostics about problems...it should tell you if a signal is present, if it's locked but not synced, and so on. These reports might be useful.


Second, I'd try just selecting one input pair as your wordclock source, not all eight. Can't hurt, might help.


Third, if SRC is enabled for the card (I can't remember if it has that feature or not) turn it off.


Fourth (and probably obvious) make sure you have a valid source coming from the Digi 002.


If I think of anything else I'll let you know!



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