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Moving head advice


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Im not sure this is the place to ask about moving head advice for a mobile dj, most of my search's from google with regards to moving head advice point me to this forum.


I see various moving heads on the market but to tell the difference between them what should ibe actually looking for and if for a mobile dj setup some things may be irrelevent. Also if anyone knows moving heads which will work fine in a mobile dj setup and wont break the bank either.


Thanks in advance, sorry if this is the wrong place to be asking.

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When you say "wont break the bank" can you be a bit more specific? Moving heads start from sub £200 and go right up to £20K+ and beyond... if you can give an idea of budget the guys can give you better answers. If its for Disco use I would probably have a look over www.prolight.co.uk and www.americandj.eu for ideas - that is unless you have budgets to afford Robe & Martin etc etc etc
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Most moving head products from acme, abstract, chauvet etc will do just fine for a disco without breaking the bank.



Would be a start....


Do you plan to programme the lights or just plug them in and let them run sound to light?


As with all budget fixtures you get what you pay for quality and feature wise.


(Im sure this has been discussed before!)


Obviously, the more you pay the more you get as far as quality, durability and 'functions' go.

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id recommend the Acme I Move 7S


150w Discharge lamps, effective, reliable and if you buy a pair, make sure they throw in a CA8 Controller, so you can control them if required (strobe, blackout, change colour, change gobo and even move them to make a scene)

should be about £730 ish for a pair including link lead + ca8 controller

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Agree with the above but I would personally ask if you should bother with moving heads of a mobile disco rig. They are not as effective as other lights on the market for the type of work, are more expensive, not as easy to travel with, will not survive being knocked about and can have high maintainance costs. That is just my opinion though.
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For mobile disco' see if you can get a pair of 2nd hand Martin Wizard extremes.


I really think that just 2 of these fixtures cut the mustard for a really good and varied lightshow on mobile gigs. Only slight disadvantage is that they are a little heavy @ 14.5 kg each - but then they are a Martin build, so at least the quality is there.


have a look at the spec on the website


wizard extreme

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I'd say the answer lies in you identifying your market.

And what YOU want out of your disco.

And budgeting accordingly.


The vast majority of mobile DJs travel with pretty basic light shows - always have, always will, I guess.

The reason? Many of them are trying to make a half-decent income (be it primary or secondary income) and as such need to keep costs down.

For the majority of gigs at weddings, birthdays and bahmitzvahs, the KISS principle will hold - all the punters want is loud music and some flashy lights. I'd guess most wouldn't be bothered with (or even notice) the difference between a bank of 4 £50 sound to light mirrors and a smoke machine and 8 Mac 250's on full blast!

Cost of course also enters the equation - you have the aforementioned mirrors and they're almost a disposable item - it breaks, you buy another from Maplin. The Mac gives you a problem and you need to get it fixed - far more expensive.


Yes, there are going to be more 'serious' DJs who maybe pride themselves (or pander to their own egos) by investing heavily in mid to top range lighting gear, but again I'd challenge most punters to appreciate the extra cash spent - especially after a few alcopops!!


So - as I say - look at what you NEED for your own setup then decide whether moving to moving heads is necessarily the best choice for you.

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Another thing about moving heads and discos and preprogrammed controllers or standalone is that they often spend alot of their time pointing at the ceiling or floor or in your eyes. Some models have a pan/tilt restriction parameter or pre-programs for this but not many.


And by the time you've bought flight cases they're quite dear. Don't try to gig without flight cases..they'll break.

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