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Help identifying a video wall


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I was at a production a few months ago and saw a video wall system that I would now like to hire. Unfortunately know body at the venue knows what was used so I must turn to the great knowledge of the Blue Room.


Please bear with me. It's been a while since I saw them so I don't know the details.


The system consisted of square section about 1.5m X 1.5m. The blocks were not solid, but made up of a bunch of tubes (I thought they were florescent fixtures until they started playing video on them). They had a good spacing so you could see through them really well.


At first I thought they were Martins, but when I looked at their website I realized that the Martin LC video walls have the tubes too close together making it appear as a solid video wall. And I don't think they could have removed a bunch of the tubes either.


Any suggestions as to what this system was?


If I can find a picture from the production I'll post it.


Thanks in advance. ;)

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