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avolite pearl tiger


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hi all,


my college has just got an avolite pearl tiger lighting desk and I was playing about on it with a couple of martin mac250s and really fancy getting one myself.


I plan on using it for doing band lighting, at present I only have 4 martin mini macs, 4 518s, 4 812s, a few par 56 cans and a few led cans. but plan on puting any money I make from doing gigs into getting more gear.


so where can I get one? also what price will I be looking at paying? new and 2nd hand. or am I going down the wrong track and is there a diffrent lighting controler out there that I should be looking at?


thanks in advance,



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I'd recommend AC Lighting, but they will be available from any of the major suppliers. Expect around £4k list.


It's very capable and with proven hardware/software. Whether it's right might depend more on whether it's within your budget. They probably haven't been around long enough for there to be many used options.

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Alternatively, if the price is prohibitive, look into the cheaper Avos. Something like the Azure 2000. (list £3k). They've also been around longer so might be easier to find 2nd hand.


From what I understand it's pretty much the same software just with less buttons/fixtures (still ample for your purposes and with room for growth).


It's also waterproof...

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