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ProStage II Cascades


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Do I have to use holders in order to safely suspend Silver Cascades? (PP415 etc)


I'm assuming the Le Maitre holders in the PP103-111 range are the ones but I can't see a link that specifically says "Cascades are gerbs therefore you must use these holders".


Also, what are "red caps" ?






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Ring LeMaitre and ask them! They're very approachable people.


Seriously, folks - if you have a question about a specific manufacturer's kit, the primary point of contact should be the manufacturer themselves. There's no guarantee that any answers posted on open internet forums to questions such as the above will be in any way accurate. Particularly when it comes to pyrotechnic effects, the only advice you should trust is that from the manufacturer or other experienced professional - and on the BR, you have no way of knowing for sure whether a respondent is either of those things.

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OK that may be fair comment, certainly respect the logic of your answer, but it must be said, why bother having a forum section with the word "Pyro" in it if we are going to knock people who ask pyro related q's?


Was going to ring Le Maitre in the morning anyway!


9SC. :)





Ring LeMaitre and ask them! They're very approachable people.


Seriously, folks - if you have a question about a specific manufacturer's kit, the primary point of contact should be the manufacturer themselves. There's no guarantee that any answers posted on open internet forums to questions such as the above will be in any way accurate. Particularly when it comes to pyrotechnic effects, the only advice you should trust is that from the manufacturer or other experienced professional - and on the BR, you have no way of knowing for sure whether a respondent is either of those things.

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why bother having a forum section with the word "Pyro" in it if we are going to knock people who ask pyro related q's?

Pyro-related questions are the "raison d'etre" of this part of the forum, so no knocking necessary. My point was simply that questions which are very specifically product-useage-related are best directed at the manufacturer in the first instance. While there's a lot of good advice floating around on the Blue Room, as far as safety-critical devices such as pyrotechnics are concerned I'd be keen to ensure that any advice I needed came from a completely trusted source.

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Do I have to use holders in order to safely suspend Silver Cascades? (PP415 etc)


I'm assuming the Le Maitre holders in the PP103-111 range are the ones but I can't see a link that specifically says "Cascades are gerbs therefore you must use these holders".


Also, what are "red caps" ?






Speak to Tim or Danny @ Le Maitre

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