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Follow Spot Help


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Hi I am a complete novice when it comes to all theatrical lighting so I know I will probably sound like a complete idiot!


I have just purchased a DTS MOON 1000 Follow spot. It is my first ever piece of theatrical lighting and I thought I could just plug it into the mains but it didn't come with any cables. Should there have been cables in the box. If not what cable do I need to buy to use it!


Many Thanks!

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You say it didn't come with any cables... Is there not even a cable that comes out of the back of thing? I'd guess that there should be, or can you at least see some form of connector on the device?


You mention that you're a complete novice, so not really what level of questions I should try!


edit: after seeing following posts, it appears that it's likely to have an IEC ('kettle lead') on the back of it. A standard 13A to IEC cable should do this if you want to plug it into the normal mains.

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Hi I am a complete novice when it comes to all theatrical lighting so I know I will probably sound like a complete idiot!


I have just purchased a DTS MOON 1000 Follow spot. It is my first ever piece of theatrical lighting and I thought I could just plug it into the mains but it didn't come with any cables. Should there have been cables in the box. If not what cable do I need to buy to use it!


Many Thanks!



I have to ask, when you state you know nothing , Why oh Why did you buy a follow spot you know nothing about.

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I have to admit, the same thought did occur to me! People who buy follow-spots generally tend to know how to plug them in ... ;)


Well, unless the DTS Moon 1000 is particularly strange, it's going to have either a captive mains cable or an IEC (or similar) inlet somewhere on the casing around the lamp tray. If the latter, you should've been supplied with a separate mains lead. You need to work out what you want to plug the spot into (13-amp mains socket? Dimmer outlet?), select the appropriate connector, and fit it to the other end of the cable. If you don't feel confident to wire up mains-voltage electrical connectors, get someone who does to help you with that bit. Put the spot onto a stand or hang it from something. Plug it in. Turn it on.

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