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What do I need?

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I am looking at a career in stage technical, preferably stage lighing. I would like to know how to go about doing this, for example what qualifications do I need and from leaving school what direction should I go in?


If there are any current theatre technicians who would like to tell me how they went about getting into there career, I would be most appreciative!


Many Thanks!

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Hello Jason and welcome to the Blue Room. There is a huge amount of information about exactly this already on the Blue Room. Take a look, for instance, at the Training and Qualifications FAQ, or this topic, or this, or this, or this, or any of the many other similar threads. Have a play with the Google search facility at the top of the page.


As there are so many other similar threads, I'm going to close this one and you can add any further questions to one of the other topics, if you want.

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