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Manfrotto?! Winch Stands


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I have recenly hired 4 winch stands from stagecraft in salisbury, I believe them to be these



I am after 2 for myself to BUY, but would like some conformation if anyone knows if they are the same as stagecrafts! (The ones I hired were the same spec as the ones on Thomann max height, weight limit etc)



I found the ones I hired were perfect for what I need (to hang 4 - 6 par cans OR fresnels off each) so would love to get my hands on my own pair!



If they are the same does anyone know where I can get them cheaper than Thomann?! Im always looking for a bargain!!





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does anyone know where I can get them cheaper than Thomann?! Im always looking for a bargain!!


Try Lighting Partners www.usedlighting.co.uk ... They had these second hand for £150 each (plus VAT) last year. They don't have them on the website at the moment but might be worth a phone call. They might even sell brand new ones if they have none second hand, again worth asking for a price.





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Thanks for your replies so far, I did look at the doughty stand on thomann but didnt seem convinced it looked at sturdy as the manfrotto, I know doughty is a well known 'brand' so should be reliable, has anyone had any experience with them?
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Hi Phil,


The Manfrotto 087 Wind-Stand is actually the original version of this stand and has actually been manufactured in this same design for over 25 years!

The other stands that you will find in the market that have a similar appearance are actually copies of the original Manfrotto design.


You will find a lot of lighting rental companies actually refer to the 087 stand as a "Manfrotto" even though they actually manufacture a wide range of other stands. This can really be considered as the industry standard.


AC-ET are the official UK distributor for Manfrotto lighting support and as such carry stocks of these stands, along with lots of spares. We also offer a repair and inspection service.


Please feel free to PM me if you need any further info.





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Yup, the stands Stagecraft stock are the Manfrotto 087. They've got about 10 of them in hire stock if memory serves, and they were bought from AC about 5 years ago. I believe the new doughty version is VERY similar to the Manfrotto, so may be well worth a closer look if they are cheaper.


Bearing in mind your location, it may be worth getting in touch with Doughty directly, and I'm sure they could tell you more about how their stand compares. - Now Stagecraft are back up and running it may even be worth getting in touch with their Sales dept to see what price they could do for you???

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