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Bomber Hinges


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We did a saloon bar scene a couple of years and used these hinges. They are awkward but, if I remember correctly, the assembly is easiest done by first removing the spring tensioning on both hinge joints and assembling the hinge in a folded Z-shape between the door and the frame. Once the hinge is mounted you can then torque tighten and pin the two spring joints (per door) to the desired rate for movement in each direction. Hope this helps.
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There are some instructions for fitting double action hinges here although it is possible that the instructions may be type specific. Looks as if you will need to release the tension first. They are also sometimes called cafe hinges.
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Our set man just did this for a play (two double doors, so eight of these hinge things), and the instructions above corrospond to how he described the process to me. But be effing carful, those springs have bite and will damage you if you let them!


Once you've got them up though the doors are great fun :)

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