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RCF Recommendation ?


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Hi - am looking to upgrade the pa my band uses and am hoping to get some advice on the various RCF gear and what might be most suitable.


Currently using 2 mackie sa1521 ans 2 swa1801z. Band play rock type stuff, put vocals/bass/some guitar and electronic drums thru pa. Main reason for switching is 1) reduce overall size and weight 2) improve overall sound.


Have been considering the either 2*tt22a plus 2*tt12sa, or maybe the tt25a and one sub - eg 4pro8001 or 905as.


Just wondered if anyone had any views on how the 2 options might stack up against the current mackie lot, and in particular how the bottom end would compare - have read the specs of the tt12sa for example but am concerned how would match the low end of the 18inch mackie.


Finally - if anyone knows dealers up in north west uk that could hear the gear that would be great.


Apols if dumb questions - not very experienced with the technical side of things !

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what sort of music do your band play?


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Josh - was thinking that would need woofers for dealing with bottom end - know also 12's but that really is part of the question I guess - ie would they add anything to the tt22a's.


Like the current bottom end we get with the mackies, but really want something more portable




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-And band play Rock/indie covers mainly - pubs/clubs/wedding/corporate stuff.

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I've used both TTS12A (is this what you meant?) & SWA1801, though never compared them directly. Specs say the SWA is 4dB louder & I think my ears agree. The TT sounds much nicer though (which is not that hard IMHO - SWA is something of a "one note" bin)
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  • 2 weeks later...

Not really ideal to compare them directly 1 is a compact 12" sub while the other is a huge great 18"sub, the 18" should move more air!


The ideal sub for the TT22a is the TTS18a, but budget often plays apart in most people's decision, what sort of budget do you have to play with? We use RCF, we have some really old ART300's which get dragged out on the jobs where there's no money and also if they get damaged then its not the end of the world, although they do take a pounding and are very robust, we also have a small amount of the new ART's and then we have TT but I know they have a new range called NX which is cheaper than TT which should sound OK going by all the other kit we have of theirs.


Its worth getting a budget figure and ringing them, they are very helpful on the phone and the guys that comes into us is not your normal sales rep who will sell you anything he actually listens to what your saying. They seem a very customer focused company and not just sell it and forget about it company.

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