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How do I reset Yamaha O2R Version2 back to its factory settings


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My church has been donated a Yamaha O2R V2 Digital mixer, which use to be in a studio, but was given to us instead of the skip.


It seems to work fine, but as it no longer has the decks it had in the studio, it says Wrong WORD CLOCK! (which means according to the manual)


The device for synchronization (selected from the 02R) is sending incorrect

word clock. Reconfigure the synchronization system.


As we would like to use this asap it would be really helpful if someone knew a way to reset it to its factory settings, is a setting like menu > factory settings?


I had a play and set the settings to how the manual says, but it didn't do anything.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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My church has been donated a Yamaha O2R V2 Digital mixer, which use to be in a studio, but was given to us instead of the skip.


It seems to work fine, but as it no longer has the decks it had in the studio, it says Wrong WORD CLOCK! (which means according to the manual)


The device for synchronization (selected from the 02R) is sending incorrect

word clock. Reconfigure the synchronization system.


As we would like to use this asap it would be really helpful if someone knew a way to reset it to its factory settings, is a setting like menu > factory settings?


I had a play and set the settings to how the manual says, but it didn't do anything.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.




The "word clock", is basically the main clock that keeps all the a/d d/a convertors etc all singing from the same song sheet. It will be saying "wrong word clock" as it will be listening for a clock source from an external device that is no-longer there. I can't remember the exact menu (functions buttons are all in the top left of the mixer) but you need to change the clock source to internal (48K will do it). Then it is synchronising everything from it's own clock source and will pass sound coherently. Then you just need to make sure the input and output patching is set logically, loading "initial data" will reset all the channels and you should get some noise happening.


Hope thats helpful





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Incidentally, if it's not there already it's probably worth printing a copy of the manual out and having it by the desk for reference, especially if you're not used to it - that way if you forget something or can't work out how to do what you want, it's there if you need it!


Straying a bit OT but if it was for the skip, are you sure it's reliable and in full working order? If you're not sure I'd give it a thorough try out before you rely on it, you really don't want it giving up on you half way through a service when you've got no back up!

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