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Hi there!


As part of my job, my colleague and I need to make a DVD with snips of everything that happens over the school year.


We make 2 DVD's; one at 15 mins and one at 10 mins.


After much confusion between copyright laws and PRS numbers etc, we eventually got some answers as to how much it would be to put music behind each of these DVD's.


Currently it's looking somewhere in the region of £1000 using the pricing structure of MCPS and music from DeWolfe.


Is there any cheaper alternatives for us?


I hope this makes sense!


Many thanks!

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Many thanks for the replies.


Mark, we do have a music department- but due to timetabling / other commitments it isn't practical to compose and record music. But it is something we're looking at trying to do.


Ben, It doesn't have to be DeWolfe, we're just trying to find out feet with this and DeWolfe were one of the people MCPS sent to us.


We're now looking into the LM link that you sent us.


Many thanks!!



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After much confusion between copyright laws and PRS numbers etc, we eventually got some answers as to how much it would be to put music behind each of these DVD's.


If it's simply background music, don't forget you can also look at the various royalty free music sites and catalogues available.

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You haven't been looking for the right thing - Limited manufacture license


There are a few rules, but it's designed for schools/colleges/amateur groups etc. to produce products. It's meant to allow you to sell them, but it's not quite clear if you will be making one recording for archive use or lots - either way, as long as you do not exceed 1000 copies it's quite cheap.


1 to 5 £5 £8

6 to 20 £15 £24

21 to 50 £20 £30

51 to 100 £30 £45

101 to 250 £50 £65

251 to 500 £75 £120

501 to 1000 £150 £250


There are still some rules but I do quite a few CD and DVDs sold as merchandising and the license system is simple. You don't even need to detail what tracks you use, just the genre. Wedding people use this too as it is so simple. It cannot cope with any rights not available - so you cannot for instance record and sell a play or musical the people have produced, but a music night singing copyright material is fine.

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You don't mention how you are compiling the clips, but some of the 'domestic end' edit packages come with the ability to 'compose' royalty free soundtracks for you. Adobe Premiere Elements 7 and Sony Vegas Movie Studio 9 are two that spring to mind.
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As mentioned earlier, why not just get hold of some royalty free music? Last DVD we produced here I paid around 25 pounds for a 4 minute mp3 track and the loops that made up the track, made life so much easier. The site I used was www.premiumbeats.com
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Many thanks for the replies. We've been looking at royalty free websites and have found some good stuff.


We're using Final Cut Pro to compile the clips for the DVD.


Many thanks again!



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