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Basic Laser Safety Question


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Howdy folks,


Just a very basic question for you all. I was at a wedding reception a couple of nights back and the DJ had (amongst other things) a little laser unit. I can't tell you much about it except that it looked pretty low end just running pre-programmed effects. It was set up about 2m from the dance floor on a 2m push up stand pointed straight at the punters.


So here's the question: Do most folks in the industry have a blanket ban on pointing lasers where people will cop them in the eyes or does it depend on the type etc? I've never really had anything to do with lasers and am wondering whether I was being overly paranoid by facing away from it the whole night.


Look forward to your thoughts.



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Unless the operator can show me the calculations they have performed for their show, that the gear has things like hard masking and scan fail interlocks, and that they carry suitable public liability cover I will not allow the use of lasers for audience scanning in my venue.


Most of the small DJ laser users will be unable to produce these, and most DJ lasers lack at least some of the desired features, while most serious laser display operators will have no problem with any of the above requests.


We have actually discussed small lasers and audience scanning before, a search should turn up at least one thread.


Regards, Dan.

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