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Fixture Definitions for Celco Ventura


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Can any one tell me if there is a Fixture Definition for The Studio Spot 575 CMY fixture that will work on the Celco Ventura 1000.

It has the Standered Studio Spot in the library, but not the CMY. I know, I know I need to get rid of this console, but just humor me here. :P I here there once existed a program to write your own definitions for this board, if thats true and anyones has it I'd like to obtain a copy.




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Can any one tell me if there is a Fixture Definition for The Studio Spot 575 CMY fixture that will work on the Celco Ventura 1000.

It has the Standered Studio Spot in the library, but not the CMY. I know, I know I need to get rid of this console, but just humor me here. :D I here there once existed a program to write your own definitions for this board, if thats true and anyones has it I'd like to obtain a copy.







At my school we have one so I can get you a copy of the software. Could you send me an email adress or other way to send you the file? Everyone wants to get rid of the console at my school as well, but I really like using it.



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I'm sure on the website (when its back up and running) there is a link from the ventura specification to the fixture creation software.


What makes you think the website will be back up and running? As far as I'm aware Celco ceased trading some time ago and I've not heard anything about reviving the brand.

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