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Strand Classic Palette


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Moderation: We've pruned a few posts here that started offering all sorts of makes as suggestions. The OP was looking at a replacement of a 300 series with a Pallette, and asked for help. He later added another type for consideration. The topic had started to slide off towards the old favourite - what desk shall I buy? As we've done that one so many times, could we keep to answering his questions and not introduce new ones.
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;) The Strand Classic Pallette :D ,

Awful Desk! Had ours for going on 2years now and we have had endless of problems, let alone the unhelpfullness of strand. The desk is on its 6th maybe 7th Visit to Strand at the moment, been there for about 3 weeks now and we havnt heard a peep from them!


Bluescreen of death at least everytime the Desk is turned on, The desk crashes during programming, during live events.


Some aspects of the software are hard to get round let alone the programming and editing of simple cues.




anyone else having any problems like this?? ;)

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Personally, I would now stay well away from the new 'Strand' desks. The 500 series were the nuts, but I feel that Strand have now lost their way in all things lighting. We are planning to tour an Eos/Ion (depending on costs) rather than a 500 as they have reached the end of their serviceable life (boo hoo). I am sorry that all I can offer is this warning because I don't know about smaller desks now. Had a 300 series in a venue some time ago, which was fine, but then it got blown up, so that was the end of that.


If I were you I would contact my local lighting sales chap and get a load of desks on demo to see what the most user friendly desk is for what you want to do.


Never used the Frog range, avoided the Congo.


Apologies for going off-topic Mods...

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