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Permus Dimmer ModuleS/Racks


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Whats died in them?


There's not much to go wrong other than triacs and fuses.


Its just the SRCs mainly few other board faults. Have spoken to Iternational Rectifier and they havent come up with a replacement part having discontinued the original.


Also all the boards have scorching as they havent had the mod which some boards did to lift D4 & 8 off the board.


So im thinking replacement boards would be easier than repair.



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International Rectifier is now called Vishay.


I'm not sure if the Permus racks use the same thyristors/triacs as the Tempus packs, but I know for the Tempus packs, these are the Thyristors:


Original: U9056/B57-8336 by unknown manufacturer :D . Logo looks like a letter 'W' centered inside a quartered circle.


Some newer models (or which may have been repaired in the past) have been fitted with:


BTW40-600 (often BTW40-60RSA) made by Mullard/Philips/NXP (Datasheet)


The nearest, most reasonably priced and available equivalents to these are:


22RIA100 by Vishay for £5.18 each from RS Components: link OR:

25RIA60 by Vishay for £9.42 each, or £5.57 for 10+ from Farnell: link


Remember though, that since these are not EXACT replacements, the dimming curve may be slightly different.

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